King Kroger VIII (Fred Willard) is the last in his line of Kroger’s that rule the planet Zuko. The royal counsel is concerned that King Kroger has not yet married and produced an heir to continue the royal lineage. The members of the council Zelda (Marie Windsor), Mordo (Cameron Mitchell), Tock (Rudy Vallee), Mizo (Barbara Minkus), Zig (Peter Kastner) and Emo (Barry Gordon). Should the king not produce and heir the next person in line is his cousin Prince Edward (Paul Keith).

Kroger is not exactly fond of the idea of getting married. He’d rather spend his time watching old Earth movies. Eventually the council convinces him that it is his duty to marry. He finally agrees under one condition. His bride must come from the planet Earth. The king is especially fond of American women.

The council is not happy with this idea. Earth is a primitive planet that is still wallowing in the atomic age. To try to make the search on Earth difficult the counsel asks that the future queen have a crescent shaped beauty mark above her belly button just like the first queen of Zuko did. Kroger is busy watching an old movie and is not paying a lot of attention to the counsel’s request and so agrees to the stipulation.

The counsel then sends Zig and Emo to Earth to search for the perfect woman. They rent office space from Real Estate Agent Alex Smork (Ronnie Schell) and set up shop. After an exhaustive search and dozens of interviews they realize that the first woman they met, Julie (Joanne Nail), is the perfect woman for the king. Now they need to find out if she has a beauty mark above her belly button.

“The Perfect Woman” was released in 1981 and was directed by Robert Emenegger and Allan Sandler. It is a low budget science fiction comedy that was most likely made for TV.

This is another one of Emenegger’s and Sandler’s forgotten films of the eighties. It’s understandable why. The comedy is rather juvenile and the jokes lame. It’s your basic eighties sexist humor. As far as independent filmmakers go Emenegger may have cranked out ten of these films but almost none of them were remembered except for some vague memories of late-night television for insomniacs. It’s not a good movie but, once again, I’ve seen a lot worse.

No matter what the movie is about it seems that one of the sets always looks like they used a shipping container as a spaceship. Emenegger has a way of reusing sets like most filmmakers use stock footage.

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