“64,000,000 Years Ago” was released in 1981 and was directed by Bill Maylone.  It is a Canadian animated documentary short done in the stop motion style.  It is only about 11 minutes long and was narrated by Sam Payne.  The film was created by the National Film Board of Canada.

The story shows a representation of dinosaurs found in the late cretaceous period and is viewed through the eyes of the survivor of the dinosaur extinction, the mammal.

The dinosaurs are not that great, and the stop motion is choppy.  The film was made for kids, however, there were cuts made by some distributors that were believed to be too strong for young children.  In particular, the sequence where the Ornithomimus is impaled by the Triceratops, and the sequence where the T-Rex kills the Edmontosaurus, so a total of 37 seconds is cut from some versions.  Even restored the film is rather bland and would probably only appeal to dinosaur completists but it is short so it may be worth a look. 

The animals featured in the film are, a Dragonfly, an early rodent type of mammal, Ornithomimus, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Ankylosaurus, Edmontosaurus (Duck billed) and Triceratops.

The National Film Board of Canada produced a ton of educational films trailers and vignettes.  Over a thousand of them are available for view on the NFB channel on YouTube. 

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