A secret government organization simply referred to as “The Men in Black” organization, or MIB, was created in 1961. The purpose of the organization was to facilitate relationships between Earth and other life forms from other planets. Earth is the Switzerland of the universe.
Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) and Agent D (Richard Hamilton) are partners in the organization. After losing his energy and desire for the job D retires. Retirement comes with a blast from an alien tool known as a neuralyzer. The neuralyzer has the capability of erasing a person’s memory of specific events and replacing them with other “memories” depending on how it is calibrated. It’s a handy tool used for making people forget they saw an alien or any alien artifact or situation. It can also make you forget that you were ever and MIB agent.
James Darrell Edwards III (Will Smith) is a cop with the New York City police department. While chasing a suspect the offender pulls an unusual weapon on Edwards that disintegrates when it falls to the ground. He then rapidly climbs the outside of the Guggenheim Museum. Shocked at the man’s dexterity, Edwards nevertheless manages to corner him at the top of the museum. The man commits suicide rather than be taken in. The man is actually an alien Cephalapoid.
Seeing how good Edwards is at catching alien bad guys Agent K tells his boss, Agent Zed (Rip Torn). Edwards is hired and is given the code name Agent J. Agent J is teamed up with Agent K so that K can show him the ropes. Their first real assignment is to find and stop an evil insect-like alien called the Bug (Vincent D’Onofrio).
The Bug landed on a farm in upstate New York and took over the body of an annoying and abusive farmer named Edgar. He is looking for a subatomic galaxy capable of destroying other worlds. The galaxy is supposedly on Earth in the protection of an Arqullian, Rosenberg (Mike Nussbaum). Rosenberg is killed by the Bug who is searching for the galaxy. In Earth’s orbit is an Arqullian battle cruiser demanding the galaxy. To prevent the Bug from obtaining it, the Arqullians are willing to destroy Earth.
“Men In Black” was released in 1997 and was directed by Barry Sonnenfeld. It is an American science fiction action film. The movie is based on the Marvel comic book and was created by Lowell Cunningham. There are three films in the original MIB canon and one spinoff, “MIB: International” 2019.
The headquarters of MIB is the ventilation tower of the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel. The tunnel is managed by the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority. A “Wilhelm Scream” can be heard when the Bug pulls Edgar into the crater left by his spaceship crashing. When Agent J is delivering the squid alien baby you can see the World Trade Center in the background. The actual Orion’s belt is a group of three stars, Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka that comprise the belt of the constellation Orion.
Some of the aliens being monitored by MIB are Newt Gingrich, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Sylvester Stallone, Dionne Warwick, Isaac Mizrahi, Danny DeVito, Al Roker, Tony Robbins, and Chloe Sonnenfeld (the director’s daughter). I’ve seen lists that name eleven people that supposedly appear on the monitor but there are only ten pictures on screen. Director Sonnenfeld is listed as the eleventh alien, but I don’t see him pictured anywhere.