“Cosmic Cycles: A Space Symphony" is a groundbreaking collaboration between acclaimed composer Henry Dehlinger, NASA, and the National Philharmonic, featuring a unique fusion of music and video in seven multimedia works on the Sun, Earth, Moon, Planets, and Cosmos. This transformative project takes the audience on a captivating voyage through the universe, showcasing the beauty and power of the marriage between music and science.
These videos can be freely shared and downloaded at https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/14343. While the videos in their entirety can be shared without permission, the music and some individual imagery may have been obtained through permission and may not be excised or remixed in other products. The videos are all available on YouTube on the NASA Goddard channel.
A Space Symphony
The Sun
Earth Our Home
Earth As Art
The Moon
Planetary Fantasia
Echos Of The Big Bang