This is where either we die, or it dies.

The year 1973. The place Mars. Col Edward Carruthers (Marshall Thompson) of the United States Space Command is the only one still alive. The rescue ship is now returning to earth to court-martial Carruthers for murder. Carruthers was part of the first manned mission to Mars. He tells them about an alien that killed everyone on the Martian expedition during a sandstorm, but no one believes him. At least until they find that an alien has stowed away on board and it’s killing again. One by one the crew is being killed. Each body is found with all fluids drained from it. Nothing seems to phase the monster. The remaining crew may have to resort to desperate measures to kill it.

"It! The Terror From Beyond Space" was released in 1958 and was directed by Edward L. Cahn. Of course the monster is a guy in a suit (Ray Corrigan) and the special effects are basically on par with the 50’s. The acting is decent. There are a few solid character actors on board. It’s a lower budget affair and not well known, but it’s not bad. You may have even seen it on a Saturday afternoon matinee or double billed at the drive in. Or even on TV as a late night creature feature show.

I have heard that the movie inspired “Aliens”. I’ve also heard that the producers of “It! the Terror from Beyond Space” considered suing the makers of “Aliens” for plagiarism. But no such suit was ever brought. I’m not sure if that’s true or not. There doesn’t seem to be enough similarities to me but apparently there are enough to produce anecdotal evidence. I’ve also heard that A.E. van Vogt who wrote “The Voyage of the Space Beagle” also initiated a lawsuit on “Aliens” but it was settled out of court. There are also no less than 7 other movies that are rumored to be inspirations for “Aliens”. I am of the belief that there are only so many original stories out there and everything else is just variations on a theme. If any of the rumors are true than “It!” seems to be in very good company.

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